Trump Riling Crowd at CPAC, Chants of “Lock Her up! Lock her up!”

Trump is addressing the crowd at the Conservative Political Action Committee conference, lying , as usual and the crowd is chanting “lock her up”.



Toronto Star Correspondent Daniel Dale is Tweeting a running account:




“There is a video before Trump speaks. As the Trump on video says “we will make America great again,” the crowd shouts GREAT AGAIN in time with him. Then there is a video of Matt Schlapp on CNN talking about “socialism.”
The crowd is booing CNN's Chris Cuomo, whose interview with Matt Schlapp is on screen. “RETARRRD,” a guy behind me yells at the screen, then apologizes.
Some of the crowd is booing on-screen Chris Cuomo when he notes that Trump lies, citing examples like his denial of knowledge of the Stormy Daniels payment and his wild false claims about mass voter fraud. Some shouts: “Youuu lie!” “CNN lies!” “FAAAKE NEWWWS!”
We are listening to Candle in the Wind. Elton John is a staple of Trump-speech playlists.
We are now watching a highlight reel of Matt Schlapp arguing with people on CNN. The video ends with “SCHLAPPED” in big letters.
Trump: “What we've done together has never been done in the history, maybe, of beyond our country…the history of the word.” He refers to “the election,” then says we refer to it “with a capital E.”
“I was probably more of a conservative than a Republican,” Trump says of his 2016 candidacy. He is telling the detailed story about how people did not think he could beat Hillary Clinton, but then, in fact, he did.
For the 20th consecutive time, Trump says Hillary Clinton got 223 electoral votes. She got 232.
This should be world, not word. My bad.

Trump on foreign leaders: “They like me.”Trump complains of other presidents not challenging “40%” auto tariffs from China. They were not 40% until China retaliated against Trump's tariffs. They're now back down to 15%.

Trump is now telling the story of the 1888 tariff debate. As before, he doesn't get it quite right. (He says it was about how to spend all the money the government had. It was indeed about the big surplus, but it was about how to reduce that surplus, not about how to spend it.)
Trump: “I'm totally off script right now. And this is how I got elected, by being off script.” There is a standing ovation.
Trump: “If we don't go off script, our country's in big trouble, folks.” He complains of the “New Green Deal or whatever the hell they call it.” He then corrects himself, and mockingly says he is very excited for Democrats to promote it, thinks it's great.
Trump, mocking the Green New Deal, acts out a husband peering up at the sky as he attempts to watch TV but can't because it is not windy. He says, “Darling, is the wind blowing today? I'd like to watch television, darling.” There is raucous laughter and applause.
Trump says his wife always tells him not to use certain words, so he won't, but he tells her sometimes, “But the audience wanted me to do it. She said, 'don't do it.'” There is a “USE IT” chant from the crowd. Trump criticizes “the fake news” for not treating his jokes as jokes.”
(Dale is still Tweeting BTW)
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