Trump just previewed a 'major announcement' on shutdown; national emergency, or something dumber?

Not sure what else a “major announcement” could entail, unless he’s about to tell us he finally got a soul and is now a real boy:


It’s Reichstag fire time, boys and girls.

Or maybe it’s just time for some more feckless lies.

Let’s hope it’s something on the more banal side, but gird your loins just in case.


Yo! Dear F*cking Lunatic: 101 Obscenely Rude Letters to Donald Trump by Aldous J. Pennyfarthing is now available at Amazon! Buy there (or at one of the other fine online retailers carrying it), or be square.


But wait, there’s more! The Fierce, Fabulous (and Mostly Fictional) Adventures of Mike Ponce, America’s First Gay Vice President is also available at Amazon! You can get two great political humor ebooks for less than the price of the coffee you’ll be spitting out on your tablet when you read them!

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