Trump called El Paso's mayor a 'RINO' during private meeting following mass shooting

So you’d think after stirring up a hornet’s nest of anti-immigrant hate and resentment that likely led to a brutal massacre in the city you’re visiting, you might hold off on insulting the town’s mayor.

Oh, but not if you’re Donald Trump … which you aren’t. And don’t you thank God every single day for that small blessing?

El Paso Mayor Dee Margo recently told PBS’ Frontline that Trump called him a “RINO” (Republican in name only — which is supposed to be an insult, apparently) in retaliation for the unforgivable sin of calling bullshit on the pr*sident’s nonsense claims about El Paso’s crime rate.

The Washington Post:

“He said, ‘You’re a RINO,’ and I said, ‘No sir, I’m not a RINO, I simply corrected the misinformation you were given by our attorney general, and that’s all I did’,” Margo recounted.

Earlier this year, Margo, who was elected El Paso’s mayor in 2017 after winning a runoff against another Republican, pushed back against claims made by Trump to justify his border wall demands. Trump, during the State of the Union in February, said El Paso had one of the highest rates of violent crime in the country but that after construction of border fencing it was now one of the safest.

But as Margo learned, you can’t point out the numerous and varied ways Trump is wrong, unless you want to hear idiots shouting out your name at a mini-Nuremberg Rally. 

Margo publicly challenged Trump at the time. He said crime in El Paso had been dropping before a barrier went up along the border and that fencing was not a “panacea” for the nation’s immigration and border security problems.

Shortly thereafter, Trump held a rally in El Paso and took a jab at Margo from the stage, saying, “I don’t care if a mayor is a Republican or a Democrat. They are full of crap if they say [the border barrier] doesn’t make a difference.”

Again, Trump was allegedly visiting El Paso in order to console its residents in the dark days following a horrific shooting. But in truth he’d come to chew gum and needlessly provoke the city’s mayor with feckless, unoriginal insults and groundless slanders, and he was all out of gum.

And you thought Trump’s El Paso response couldn’t get any more disgraceful. Oh, you of little faith. Shame.

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