The Evil Kentucky Snapping Turtle's Hypocritical Statement About Secretary Mattis.

Not much beats the outright mendacity and hypocrisy of Republican Senator Mitch McConnell — the evil Kentucky Snapping Turtle we all have come to loath:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said he was “distressed” by Defense Secretary James Mattis's resignation announcement Thursday.

“I believe it’s essential that the United States maintain and strengthen the post-World War II alliances that have been carefully built by leaders in both parties,” McConnell said in a statement. “We must also maintain a clear-eyed understanding of our friends and foes, and recognize that nations like Russia are among the latter.”

Russia is our foe now Mitch?  

From the Lexington Herald Leader:

Mitch McConnell should explain why he obscured Russian interference in our election

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should explain why he blocked a bipartisan denunciation of Russian interference in our election before voters went to the polls.

Americans deserve to hear why McConnell did not trust them with the evidence that he and 11 other congressional leaders received in a confidential briefing in September.

The Washington Post reports that during that briefing McConnell “made clear to the administration that he would consider any effort by the White House to challenge the Russians publicly an act of partisan politics.”

McConnell also questioned the veracity of the intelligence, according to the Post, based on information from unidentified officials present at the September briefing.

McConnell wanted Trump to win in 2016, so he essentially told President Obama to “fuck off.”

And I have no proof, but I am betting that Russian money made its way to McConnell.  Maybe not directly, but Trump got money from the NRA which in turn has been accused of getting money from the Russians.  McConnell was at that national meeting of the NRA in Louisville back in 2016 where Russians were running around meeting Republicans.

But NOW the Russians are foes.  

I have to say that I am surprised that McConnell even put out this statement.  Not because of the lies and hypocrisy.  Normally, McConnell’s first instinct with regards to Trump’s decisions is to pull his head back into his shell and not comment.  Eventually, McConnell will utter a few sentences in support of whatever Trump does though.

Why this time might be different I think has nothing really to do with Trump endangering national security.  McConnell does not care about national security.  I think McConnell is a little pissed off that Trump is forcing a partial government shutdown.

Trump promised the Senate Republicans that would sign off on the CR to fund the government.  But Trump reneged on that promise, and both Trump and the House Republicans have jammed the Senate with that BS bill of funding that fucking wall with Mexico.  McConnell knows what the House voted on tonight will not get through the Senate.

Now, Senate Republicans have to return to D.C. and share in the blame for a government shutdown around Christmas.  And Republican Senators will be giving McConnell hell for this.  Don’t believe for a second that McConnell is “distressed” about Mattis’s resignation.  This is all about how it impacts McConnell personally.

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