The DNC Boosts The Pennsylvania Democratic Party's Vote-By-Mail Campaign

Received this e-mail from the Pennsylvania Democratic Party:

The DNC and PA Dems sent a personal message to more than 400,000 Democratic voters over the past three days, resulting in thousands and thousands of new vote by mail requests!

That kind of crucial outreach isn’t cheap, though. Even at a few cents per text, the bill adds up real quick—not to mention the staffing, data, and volunteer resources needed to reach so many people.

So we’re asking: Can you please invest a few bucks today so Democrats can text, call, and mail more voters tomorrow?

The truth is that Trump and the RNC have a huge financial headstart, and they’re using their dark money horde to suppress the vote, not expand it.

It will take all of us chipping in, little by little, to keep up. We need to level up our investments now.

If you can, please donate to sustain and expand our vote by mail efforts all the way through November!

Click here to donate to the Pennsylvania Democratic Party Vote By Mail Fund.

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