The Daily Bucket–In the Seventh year, Seven Daughters begat Seventy Sons.

Hi, Hoomans!  The last couple of months have been a whirl!   All I remember is waking up really horny and cold in the middle of January. “Hey,” I thought to my self, I remember these ponds from before.” At dusk, I heard a dozen male chorus frogs making their crude and loud propositions, and I watched…

Seven people died on 1/6. Seven GOP senators voted for justice

The GQP senate is an honor-free zone with pro-wrestling byplay, save the magnificent seven dead. Mitch McConnell is doing his best to keep the reality-TV show kayfabe going. Lindsey Graham who proclaimed he’d “had enough” of Trump is now going to Florida on MAGA business. x Graham on Fox says he spoke to Trump last night….

seven months of imminence

We now know the time range possible for imminent threats in Iran. Dog wagged, as the four US embassies claimed by Trump that were targeted have yet to be identified. In yet another qualification, IMPOTUS now claims “it doesn’t really matter” because Soleimani’s “horrible past” merited his assassination. Not the first time IMPOTUS has retweeted troll-bait:…