GA-Sen A: Jon Ossoff (D) Launches Ad Campaign Slamming Perdue (R) Over His Pandemic Profiteering

So in case you didn’t know: U.S. Sen. David Perdue’s financial portfolio saw heavy trading during the month of March, a period during which Congress passed three different spending bills to address the spread of COVID-19 and the markets took a turn for the worse. The report lists 112 transactions, including 76 stock purchases costing…

His words clearly show Trump’s ‘war profiteering’

As America fights to get through the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated by Trump's inaction, his 'war profiteering' is so much more obscene. Obscene Trump war profiteering x x YouTube Video A few days ago it was pointed out in the post “Trump is trying to brainwash Americans. Only safe if he’s president!” that the Trump administration was trying…