Pfizer Vaccine Likely Will Be Approved for 12-15 Year Olds Next Week

News reports are circulating that the FDA will likely approved Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine for adolescents between 12 to 15 years old either late this week or early next week.… The news is highly anticipated: Eager parents have been counting down the weeks since Pfizer announced results from its trial in adolescents, showing the vaccine…

Pfizer Asks Approval for Vaccinations of 12 to 15 Year Old Children

Pfizer today is asking the US Food and Drug Administration to approve its Covid-19 vaccine for 12 to 15 year old children. Currently it is approved for anyone 16 or older. This comes after its trials showed it to be 100% effective in preventing Covid in that age group. Pfizer/BioNTech  said they will also seek approval…

Pfizer Will More than Double Its Vaccine Output

One month into the Biden Administration and we are almost half way to getting the 100 million vaccinations the President promised for his first 100 days. Vaccinations have slowed considerable in the last week due to extreme winter weather, but 42.8 million Americans have received at least one dose, 13% of the US population (16.5%…

Pfizer Vaccine Approved, US Distribution Begins… The New York Times reports three sources say the US Food and Drug Administration has approved but not yet formally announced emergency use of Pfizer’s vaccine for Covid-19. This comes after interference from the White House may cause some skepticism about the decision. The action followed an extraordinary sequence of events on Friday morning when…