GOP senator on Trump-fomented riot: 'Everyone makes mistakes; everyone's entitled to a mulligan'

Good God, man. This is what you guys are going with? Really? Everyone deserves a mulligan? First of all, this is Trump’s second impeachment, so he’s already received one mulligan courtesy of the Cowards of the Congress. Secondly, he’s already taken a lifetime of mulligans, both on the links and, you know, in polite society….

It Is NOT Just In The Age of Trump That Politicians Doubled Down On Mistakes.

So Bernie Sanders is still defending that he said nice things about Fidel Castro, Daniel Noriega, and the subway system in Moscow, and Sanders is only doubling down on his previous comments because Trump does this?  I saw that being posited on MSNBC today.  It’s bullshit.  Politicians were doubling down on comments and policies that…