cheeseheads in Wisconsin GOP Assembly vote to end 'patriarchy' by banning its K-12 mention

Beetle-Juice Three Times. Thank Jeebus that cheesehead is not banned from primary and secondary schools in Wisconsin. Because nothing says “Freedom” and “Liberty” like being the language police. If you talk about “spirit murdering” and “action civics” they might even exist. Better to be “un-woke”, because you might develop an “unconscious-bias”. Darn those concepts only taught in…

speaking 'the language of the unheard'

#BunkerBoy remains in the White House today hiding behind his #Babygate. x Many people say there are more people on the DC streets today than there were on #BunkerBoyTrump’s Inauguration Day. Be safe everyone: #WearAMask; hydrate and don’t take the bait. — Christine Pelosi (@sfpelosi) June 6, 2020 x New Morning Consult poll: 62%…