Revising the invention of tradition(s): more on the Garrett Felber affair at U. of Mississippi.

This continues the diary of two days ago. Nostalgia is a coping mechanism at the place known for its association with William Faulkner. Oxford Mississippi is a place where the nostalgia for a lost cause remains a kind of delusion. When injuries are imagined and retribution seems easy, this happens where ‘contingent’ populations are peripheral to…

Rest in Power, Garrett Foster

Garrett Foster was shot and killed as he tried to protect his disabled wife during a peaceful march in Austin Texas. The alleged killer has been arrested.  Austin PD, per NYT: “The driver opened fire from inside the car as Mr. Foster approached. Another person in the crowd pulled out a handgun and shot at…

Lila Garrett – RIP

Lila Garrett – RIP Alan Minsky for Mike Fox, Dan, Janis, Deb, Dr. Bill, Donna, Kimberly, and Bryan—your PDA national team. Long time Anti-War activist, TV screenwriter, and PDA National Advisory Board Member died on Saturday. Lila was born in 1925, she was 94 years old. Lila was a television screenwriter and radio host. She…