82% of Senior Americans Are Now Vaccinated, 302 Million Doses Have Been Delivered in US

Americans over the age of 65 have embraced Covid vaccination to the extent that 82% have received at least one dose and 68.3% are fully vaccinated, according to the numbers released by the CDC for yesterday, and the percentages are still slowly rising. In fact, if you look at the numbers for US residents between…

Enough Doses Now Available for 200 Million Jabs in Biden's First 100 Days

More than 225 million doses of Covid vaccines have been delivered, more than enough to fulfill Joe Biden’s goal of 200 million vaccinations in his first 100 days. If we just maintain the recent pace averaging 3 million shots a day, we should have about 240 million vaccinations, 20 million more than the goal, by April…

60% of Seniors Now Vaccinated, 123 Million Doses Have Been Delivered in US

The Center for Disease Control reports that 60.1% of US residents over the age of 65 years have been vaccinated with at least one shot of Covid vaccine as of yesterday. It also reports that the three vaccine manufacturers, Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech, and Johnson and Johnson, have delivered a total over 123 million doses of the vaccines since…

Biden to Acquire 200 Million Additional Vaccine Doses

The Washington Post is reporting that the Biden Administration is acquiring an additional 200 million vaccine doses bringing the total to 600 million, enough to vaccine 300 million. This was an option in the origin contracts with Pfizer and Moderna but, by itself, won’t immediately increase supplies though it should secure them for later in the year….