Georgia's SoS, Under Pressure to Cheat, Says NO

We spend a lot of energy on this blog blasting Republican officials for cowardice, for lack of character, for putting party over country. It is only fair, then, to acknowledge the occasional Republican who actually cares about his responsibilities, Ben Raffensperger, a Republican, is the Secretary of State for Georgia. His predecessor, Brian Kemp, is…

Cheat or Bail, Trump is still losing

Trump will do anything to win, but when he loses, more likely will spend the time between election day and inauguration day on revenge and pardons. x Trump's Presidency Is About to Enter Chapter 11 || By: Nicholas Grossman — SafetyPin-Daily (@SafetyPinDaily) July 7, 2020 (1)   Cheat Trump never planned on playing fair in…

Cheetolini Cheatz: “Trump is going to cheat”

The Atlantic article by Sarada Peri assumes an event will occur that is endemic. Trump has destabilized facts and their media frames. If he’s going to cheat what was he doing before this moment, starting with when he lied about the wealth inherited from his father. Democratic primary voters care deeply about electability. What most want…