Susan Collins Finally Says Trump's Request to China Was “Completely Inappropriate”…

Republican Senator Susan Collins who is usually finding crimes by Donald Trump to be “troubling” kicked it up half a notch when she said it was “completely inappropriate” for the President to ask China to investigate Joe Biden.

The Maine senator was unequivocal in her statements, which came after a firefighters memorial service in Augusta on Saturday morning, joining Mitt Romney, R-Utah, and Ben Sasse, R-Nevada, in breaking rank with GOP support for the president.

“I thought the president made a big mistake by asking China to get involved in investigating a political opponent,” Collins said. “It’s completely inappropriate.”

While her language is tougher than usual, it probably only indicates a small movement toward holding Trump responsible. She also criticized  Adam Schiff, chairman of  House Intelligence Committee, joining in the Republican effort to discredit him.

Still, it shows some small cracking in Republican support when an endangered incumbent running for re-election in 2020 has any real criticism for Trump. Getting at least 20 Republicans (added to the 47 Democrats) in the Senate to vote to remove Trump will be difficult.

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