Speaker of the House Paul Ryan to Campaign For Congressman Andy Barr in KY-6th.

Depending upon how you calculate it, the KY-6th is R+9 to +10.5 and went for Trump by 15 percentage points in 2016.  Yet, here is Speaker of the House Paul Ryan coming in to campaign for Republican Congressman Andy Barr.  He is going to the Toyota plant in Georgetown, KY.  And here is the fun part:

All Toyota Tsusho team members are invited, but the meeting is not mandatory, Nunn said. The meeting will be closed to anyone outside the company, or its subsidiaries, except for elected Scott County officials, Nunn said…

Barr is embroiled in a close contest with Democratic challenger Amy McGrath, who lives in Georgetown. In 2016, Barr carried Scott County by 37 points and won the district by 22 points. Most polls predict this election is a tossup.

The Speaker of the House is showing up to a closed meeting to help out Congressman Andy Barr in a county that Barr won by 37 points in 2016.  And it just happens to be the hometown for Amy McGrath.  And it is this late in the game.

Anyone else think that House Republicans are scared shitless?

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