So this is how Trump gets to spend his sad, lonely retirement

Normally I’d say this is overkill and/or unnecessarily rubbing salt in the wounds of a broken man, but by all appearances, Donald Trump doesn’t grasp his true place in the pantheon of ex-presidents. So he needs to be reminded:

Business Insider:

A plane with a banner labeling Donald Trump the “worst president ever” was reportedly spotted this weekend flying near Mar-a-Lago, his resort in Palm Beach, Florida, where he has been staying since he left the White House.

One banner said “Trump worst president ever,” while another said “Trump you pathetic loser go back to Moscow,” TMZ reported.

Wait, does this make it more likely that Trump will or won’t run for president again? Probably neither. Unless the plane is also dropping subpoenas while the Abominable Showman exfoliates his balls on the golf course, it’s unlikely to impact his future much.

But that doesn’t mean these resourceful thorns in Trump’s side should stop.

Meanwhile, BI reports that, even before the Piper Cub arrived to deflate Trump’s pipette chub, Mar-a-Lago has been a decidedly “sad” place since the ol’ duffer moved back in full time:

Laurence Leamer, the author of “Mar-a-Lago: Inside the Gates of Power at Donald Trump’s Presidential Palace,” said the mood there had become “dispirited” since Trump moved in.

“A lot of people have quit Mar-a-Lago,” Leamer said, adding that “it’s a sad place for Trump to be hanging out.”

Some of Trump’s new neighbors are also unhappy about the prospect of him living at Mar-a-Lago full time.

I’m also overcome with tears … of laughter and joy. They really haven’t stopped since Wednesday, honestly.

Guess I’m having a better time than Donny these days.

Aren’t we all?

This guy is a natural. Sometimes I laugh so hard I cry.” — Bette Midler on author Aldous J. Pennyfarthing, via TwitterTrump is gone, but the righteous mocking goes on forever. Thanks to Goodbye, Asshat: 101 Farewell Letters to Donald Trump, Dear Fcking Lunatic: 101 Obscenely Rude Letters to Donald Trump, Dear Prsident A**clown and Dear F*cking Moron, you can purge the Trump years from your soul sans the existential dread. Only laughs from here on out. Click those links!

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