Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D. NV) Helps Joe Biden Defeat Trump & End Moscow Mitch's Majority

Received this e-mail from U.S. Senator and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairwoman, Catherine Cortez Masto (D. NV), in support of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign:


I’ve known Joe Biden for nearly 10 years, but he wasn’t the first member of the Biden family I met. It was actually his late son, Beau, a fellow state attorney general, my partner in many important fights and a dear friend. Beau was a fearless public servant, a staunch advocate for justice, and a man who led with courage and compassion.

As I got to know Joe personally, it was clear the apple had not fallen far from the tree. For him – like his son – public service isn’t just about listening to people, it’s about hearing them and then taking bold action to improve their lives.

That passionate and genuine call to service was an inspiration for me during my run for Senate in 2016, and, true to character, Joe was right by my side during a tough fight that we would not have won without his support and guidance.

It was then when I saw his love for Nevada. I always say, and I might be biased, that Nevada is the perfect microcosm of America. Our diversity is our strength. From our strong Latino, Asian American & Pacific Islander and African American communities to our rich mining, gaming and farming history, Nevada is the perfect melting pot of America. And Joe Biden knows that as well as anyone.

With so much at stake for our families, our country and the future of our democracy, we have to make sure Joe is the next president of the United States. I’m in – 100% – and I’m asking you to help too. If Democrats are going to take back the White House, flip the Senate blue and deliver on the issues that matter most to Nevadans and working families, we can’t let up.

Will you join me by making a contribution of $5 to elect Joe Biden as our next president and support Democrats up and down the ballot? Our country can’t afford four more years of a Trump presidency or two more of a McConnell-led Senate.

Thanks for everything you’re doing.

¡La lucha sigue! The fight continues!


Click here to donate to Biden’s campaign and to flip the Senate Blue.

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