Scaramucci says it's time for Trump to go: 'How are we all tolerating this?'

Like Michael Cohen and Omarosa before him, Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci is now the voice of reason. Or, you know, more reason than Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham can muster. We’re not talking about Descartes, Locke, and Leibniz here. (And now I’ve used my philosophy education for the second time. In your face, high school guidance department, you turgid sack of philistine fucks!)

Anyway, The Mooch said some stuff today, and Donald Trump is going to hate it.

Former short-lived White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci said Monday that President Trump is “giving people a license to hate” and called on Republicans to consider replacing him on the top of the ticket next year.

“How are we all tolerating this?” Scaramucci said during an interview on CNN. “The rhetoric is so charged and so divisive that we all have to just take a step back now and say, ‘What are we doing actually?’”

In an interview with The Washington Post later Monday, Scaramucci said he wanted to recruit other former Trump aides and prominent Republicans to come forward with critical opinions of the president — views he said that many had shared with him privately.

You know, Mooch, many of us have been unable to tolerate this for some time now, but it’s nice you finally figured out how untenable our current reality is. The breaking point for Scaramucci may have been Trump’s visits to El Paso and Dayton — self-congratulatory photo ops The Mooch called “a total catastrophe.”

Scaramucci also said that many people are reluctant to call out the pr*sident because as soon as he hits back on Twitter (which, of course, he always does) “you start getting death threats.”

That said, he’s hoping a Republican with some integrity (ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha — sorry) will step up to primary the Ocher Abomination:

During the CNN interview, Scaramucci said he is no longer supporting Trump’s reelection bid and wants to see another Republican step up to run. He ruled out making his own run and insisted that Trump’s tweet about him was not the sole motivation for his call for the party to consider another nominee.

“I mean at some point, the people in my party ought to look at this stuff and stop being anesthetized to it,” he said of Trump.

Good luck, Mooch. I wouldn’t hold my breath, though.

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