SC-Sen: Sen. Sherrod Brown (D. OH) Helps Jaime Harrison (D) Give Lindsey Graham (R) The Boot

Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D. OH) in support of Jaime Harrison’s (D. SC) U.S. Senate campaign:

Jaime Harrison (D. SC)

Jaime Harrison understands firsthand why Americans all over the country are demanding change.

Jaime’s grandparents raised him in a mobile home in Orangeburg, South Carolina. Jaime overcame poverty to make it to where he is today: a candidate for the U.S. Senate.

We need more Black voices in positions of power, including in the Senate, and Jaime is ready to lead the fight for change in South Carolina. He needs our help before the FEC end-of-quarter deadline — if you can, will you split a contribution between his campaign and mine?

Jaime knows our country doesn’t work for everyone — from the folks in rural parts of the country who don’t have equal access to health care because of rampant rural hospital closures, to the families like Jaime’s that are struggling to find work with living wages so they can pay their bills and buy groceries.

Jaime is in this race to expand affordable health care, create better job opportunities, and protect our social safety net for families that are struggling.

We need Jaime in the Senate, and — he is tied with his Republican opponent in the polls!

But still, Jaime has been called the underdog in this race, and his opponent’s super PAC reserved $1.6 million for advertising ahead of the election.

We have an opportunity to make the Senate look more like the people it serves, but we need to give Jaime our strongest support to help him bring home a win in November. If you can, split a contribution between Jaime’s campaign and mine before the FEC deadline.

With gratitude,


Click here to donate to Harrison’s campaign.

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