SC, MS & GA-Sen B: Former Sen. Barbara Boxer (D. CA) Helps Send More Black Leaders To The Senate

Received this e-mail this from former U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D. CA) in support of Jaime Harrison (D. SC), Mike Espy (D. MS) and Rev. Raphael Warnock’s (D. GA) U.S. Senate campaigns:


I wanted you to be among the first to know. During this national reckoning around racial injustice, PAC for a Change is meeting the moment by launching an exciting new program to elect three Black US Senators.

This is our moment in time to not just take back the Senate, but support candidates who bring a crucial perspective to the table. These three candidates are running in this historic moment and need our help:

When I first ran for the Senate in 1992, the wind at my back was the fact that there were so few women in the Senate — only two — and the group of us running had what it took to win and govern. We knew then as we know now that in order to have a representative government, everyone needs to be represented.

Trump and the GOP have failed to respond to the ongoing national crisis, giving Democrats an excellent opportunity to take back the Senate. With vulnerable incumbents and strong Democratic challengers who can mobilize Democratic turnout, we have the ingredients for groundbreaking victories.

That’s why we’ve launched the Meeting the Moment project to double the number of Black Senators in one election cycle. Our program will launch creative digital ads in all three states targeted at crucial swing voters, and we will match that with an aggressive social media campaign.

Chip in today and help us give these amazing candidates the support they need to win against entrenched incumbents. Every dollar raised will go directly to supporting these candidates.

There are only three Black Senators in the US Senate today – it's time to change that.

Join the Meeting the Moment project >>

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