SC, MS & GA-Sen B: BET, “Black Senate Candidates Explain Why They Are Seizing The Moment”

U.S. Senate candidates Jaime Harrison (D. SC), Mike Espy (D. MS) and Rev. Raphael Warnock (D. GA) have penned on op-ed for BET promoting their candidacies, promote their platforms addressing racial injustice and how they can be the faces a of a New South in the U.S. Senate:

As Black fathers, brothers, sons and men dedicated to making our communities stronger, each of us has built campaigns and made promises to fight tooth and nail to stop these injustices.

In South Carolina, we are pushing to expand Medicaid because too many residents of the Palmetto State are uninsured — and a disproportionate amount of coronavirus-related deaths occur in our Black communities.

In Mississippi, as we finally brought down the old divisive symbols of hate by changing the flag, and continue to fight to move Mississippi forward in all things, starting by ensuring Medicaid expansion so all Mississippians, whether they live in towns big or small, have affordable health care.

And in Georgia, we are fighting back against insidious voter suppression efforts that aim to stifle the voices of far too many Black folks at the ballot box.

Representation matters. And for its entire history, the U.S. Senate has failed to represent the racial diversity of our nation. It has not even come close, and the numbers paint a grim story about this country’s upper chamber. Out of the almost 2,000 women and men who have served in the upper chamber, only 10 were Black, a fact that is particularly notable for states in the Deep South, which feature some of the largest Black populations in the United States.

Give the full article a read and when you’re done, you can click below to donate and get involved with Harrison, Espy and Warnock’s campaigns:

Jaime Harrison

Mike Espy

Raphael Warnock

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