RNC chair slams abortion laws lacking exceptions for rape, incest

It’s hard to imagine what Ohio and Alabama might do for an encore. Reinstitute prima nocta? Public stonings for unmarried nonvirgins? Forced marriages of 13-year-old girls to Roy Moore or … James Woods?

How much worse could it get?

As it stands, they think an 11-year-old girl who gets raped by her uncle needs to have that kid because — well — it’s a obviously a fucking miracle, you libtard pinhead cuck.

In fact, these new abortion laws SCOTUS test cases are so egregious, even the head of the Republican National Committee is saying so.

Talking Points Memo:

The chair of the Republican National Committee said Friday that she “personally” is in favor of abortion bans that include exceptions for rape and incest and called the test case in Ohio of an impregnated 12-year-old girl who was raped and would be forced to carry a child under the state’s fetal heartbeat law “egregious.”

When asked about the test case by CNN’s Alisyn Camerota, Ronna McDaniel cut her off.

“And that’s egregious, I mean, that’s — my heart goes out to that little girl,” McDaniel said, before raising a complaint that CNN never asks Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez about his stance on abortion. “Why are Democrats not asked the same tough question? We always get asked and have to qualify why we support life.”

Why aren’t Democrats asked that question? Because we’re not trying to force 12-year-old girls to be host bodies for rapists! But nice try, Ronna.

This is why we fight so hard against people who want to turn this country into a theocracy. Because they see a law like this as “common sense,” whereas the rest of us see it as a return to a very dark age. 

I don’t know about you, but I kind of like it when women have autonomy. It’s just a weird glitch I have, I guess. Maybe by the time we invent the warp drive and discover Vulcans, Alabama will have proudly entered the 18th century.

One can only hope.

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