The Politicus
Sep 13, 2022 06:59 PM 0 Answers
Member Since Sep 2018
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As per this news article and many others, the US has recently (Sep 2022) approved to sustain Pakistan's F-16 fighter jets.

India has always been wary of partnership with the US since the US threatened India during the 1971 war. However, the US acknowledged that it wasn't ready for partnership with India then but now it is 'able and willing' to partner with India. India is also gradually moving away from Russia, especially decreasing purchase of Russian arms and fulfilling the demand via indigenous, French and Israeli weapons.

Meanwhile it was expected by India that US decrease its military co-operation with a rival of India (who it calls a strategic partner). In line with that, former President Donald Trump had stopped all defense and security assistance to Pakistan, calling out their lies on counter-terrorism operations (which has always been India's position).

However, suddenly the US-Pakistan co-operation has started again - despite visible signs of Pak-Taliban co-operation re-affirming Trump's concerns.

My question is, what has changed now? Is it a punishment for India buying russian oil to combat inflation? Is it a reward for alleged Pakistani co-operation in killing of Al Zawahiri? Is it US's concern about not letting the Pak army get weaker to protect the nuclear arsenal?

I see a lot of possibilities here, but what exactly is the reason for this renewed co-operation? How will it affect India-US ties?
I have also not been able to find India's official position on this deal (which will most likely be a protesting tone), and the US reply to those concerns.

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