The Politicus
Feb 21, 2022 09:23 AM 0 Answers
Member Since Sep 2018
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I don't know what is going to happen in the Ukrainian crisis, but I noticed that since the beginning of the cold war when the big guys stir and jostle the small guys in between get squeezed or crushed. So I wondered who are this time those who are going to pay the price of the tension.

For example I noticed that small countries are being heavily militarised even if they are far from the actual contested areas. On one side Poland and the Baltic Republics, on the other Belarus, even if Belarus is more than 500 Kilometres from the Donetsk and Luhansk areas. But apart this point I don't know enough about what is happening there.

I know that a full answer to this question is not possible. As of now we hear too much noise and not enough details. But partial answers mentioning some of those who will get the squeeze are already something more that what we are being told currently.


I see that several people flagged to close this question on the ground that it is looking for predictions about the future. But actually that is not what I was asking for. To make it more clear I'll make an example:
According to an article by the TASS among the objective of the military drill of the joint Belarusian and Russian forces in Belarus are:

strikes against the area occupied by notional illegal armed gangs

countering terrorism and protecting the interests of the Union State

I don't know whether this is really connected to the Ukainian crisis, but according to the US administration and the western media it is. Trouble is that at the same time in Belarus there are strong protests against Lukashenko and the Belarusian government. I don't think that in such context Belarusian citizens are so happy to have Russian troops training for countering terrorism nearby. This is something actual.

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