The Politicus
Oct 25, 2020 11:21 AM 0 Answers
Member Since Sep 2018
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I am aware that the Arctic is full of natural resources and the USA (Alaska), Russia, Canada, Denmark, and Norway have each of their EEZ (Exclusive Economic Zone) according to the United Convention on the Law of the Sea. I am not aware that China is supposed to have an EEZ in the mentioned region, as they're not in the region but I've come across videos and digital Newspapers that China is interested in application in the region and I'd like to know what they've done so far (Polar Silk Road)! Apart from gaining natural resources, what other interests does China have in the Arctic?

According to Wikipedia:

In January 2018, China released its official Arctic Policy paper.2 The document draws a picture of how China views the economic possibilities the region offers. With this, China has vowed to actively participate in Arctic affairs as a "Near-Arctic State" and a major stakeholder in the Arctic.1 China has also focused on developing military projection capabilities that would extend into the Arctic region

According to a briefing by the European Parliamentary Research Service:

China's white paper on its Arctic policy of 26 January 2018
confirms that the region has significantly moved up China's
foreign policy agenda during President Xi Jinping's first term of
office (2013-2018).1 To legitimise China's growing role and
interest in the Arctic despite its short Arctic history and lack of
sovereign rights, the paper highlights China's scientific research
on the Arctic since the 1990s and its increasing engagement in
Arctic governance since it was admitted in 2013 as one of the
current 13 observers to the Arctic Council.

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Note: I am grateful for every contribution, whether short or long and I accept if the question is taken down if not met be Politics SE guidelines.

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