The Politicus
Jul 14, 2022 11:49 PM 0 Answers
Member Since Sep 2018
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In a previous thread I asked about the government tools available to Canada to deal with population growth and learned that

the government's mandate wrt to immigrants is mostly vetting legal
immigrants and preventing/deporting illegal ones. Housing would
typically be private sector consideration.

In this thread I want to learn how the architectural design of the Canadian government (by their founding fathers or their subsequent revisions since the confederation).

Can Canadian government issue resident visas without enough housing to accommodate those resident visa holders?

It is the equivalent of writing cheques without having a balance to honor that cheque.

Issuing residency permits to immigrants only to add density to the existing cities infrastructure seems to be a recipe for deteriorating the health care system, sky rocketing housing prices over non-attractive housing that is available for the equivalent Saudi or Arab citizen in the Arab world and a deterioration in city services in general (from policing to water supplies).

If the answer is affirmative. Is there any parliamentary oversight designed specifically in the constitution to censure the government unrestrained ability to issue residency visas to new immigrants (some immigration policy oversight by parliament) where the housing infrastructure is not available?

My impression from talking with Canadians who have been living in Canada for a few decades is that they are extremely frustrated by the government policy that added 10 million immigrants in the past 30 years causing the population to increase from 27 to 38 million without any new cities being built. They express deterioration of the quality of services on all levels; from health care to education.

Not only my impression but also today's CBC news article: 'What century are we in?' Man waited 4 days in Ontario hospital hallway for surgery to fix shattered leg that explained how a patient was left with broken leg for 4 days because the hospital bed capacity exceeded (a 100% occupancy for months). This is an evidence that cities are growing in population density beyond the design of its infrastructure.

Not only my impression but also this CBC news analysis Housing crisis, labour shortage at odds in P.E.I.'s population strategy from today regarding PEI:

The average P.E.I. household, according to the 2021 census, is made up
of 2.3 people. Assuming that's the case, those 1,400 units would house
an estimated 3,200 people. That still leaves a shortfall of 1,800
people, or about 780 housing units.

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