“Operation Grant” – targeting Ohio (Lincoln Project & RVAT)

No Republican has ever been elected without winning Ohio.

Now two groups, The Lincoln Project and Republican Voters Against Trump, have joined together to target Ohio.

As you can read in this Cleveland Plain Dealer article:

Both The Lincoln Project and Republican Voters Against Trump are going up on the airwaves in a plan they’ve dubbed “Operation Grant” to woo conservative-leaning voters away from Trump as public polling indicates a tighter race. Trump won the state in 2016 by 8 percentage points, but souring opinions on the president’s handling of multiple crises has both organizations believing the state, once presumed to be in the GOP column, is up for grabs.

Read the article, where you will learn that there are 6 figure buys using both cable and broadcast, with the first targets being around Akron and Cincinnati.

And here is their first ad, which features folks who voted Trump in 2016 but have changed their minds:

Worth noting that Grant was born in Ohio, and was the first President elected born in that state. Also, Trump is continuing to tout the Confederate battle flag and — other than Lincoln — who is the best person to use to be in opposition to that notion>

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