NYT: Trump administration planning to 'wind down' coronavirus task force

Another job well done. Uh, medium rare. Er, baking in the sun like maggoty roadkill.

The New York Times

Trump administration officials are telling members of the coronavirus task force that the White House plans to wind down the operation and it’s not clear whether any other group might replace it.

I guess if you’re a lunatic who thinks he’s done a great job despite having done one of the worst jobs of any leader in the developed world, you can rest on your laurels in mile 2 of a marathon. Wash your hands of the whole thing — while signaling to everyone else that they don’t really need to wash their hands anymore.

This is barking-mad insanity. WTF?

This is just a snapshot. No doubt it will be worse by the end of the day.

We’re nowhere near the end of this. Guess Trump is tired of listening to science nerds. It’s full steam ahead (into an iceberg) for America from here on out!

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