NV-Sen: Sen. Ben Ray Luján (D. NM) Helps Keep Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D) In The Senate

Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Ben Ray Luján (D. NM) in support of U.S. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto’s (D. NV) re-election campaign:

Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D. NV)

My good friend and Nevada Senator Catherine Cortez Masto just announced she’s running for re-election. Let me tell you a little bit about her and explain why I hope you will consider chipping in to support her campaign today.

As the first Latina senator, Catherine has worked tirelessly to help Nevada families and deliver results. She led the fight to flip the Senate as the chair of the Senate Democrats’ campaign arm, and believe me when I say:

We wouldn’t have flipped the Senate majority without Catherine’s leadership, plain and simple.

Now, she’s running in what will be one of the most competitive Senate elections in the country. And Mitch McConnell has a target on her back because he’s just one seat away from reclaiming control. That’s why Republicans are doubling down to flip this Senate seat red.

You may not know this, but Nevada’s Senate race was decided by just two points in 2016. Outside groups spent $50 million to defeat Catherine, which means every grassroots dollar will make a difference to fight back now.

Losing in Nevada could mean losing the Senate for Democrats. Will you consider chipping in to support Catherine’s re-election campaign and our work to protect our fragile Senate majority?

Grassroots support was critical to flipping my race and the Senate. It will be even more important to make sure we defend our majority and send Catherine back to Washington to fight for Nevada families. That’s why your contribution matters so much today.

Con gratitud,

Ben Ray

Click here to donate to Cortez Masto’s re-election campaign.

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