
NV-04: Joe Biden Refuses To Let Trump & The GOP Defeat Rep. Steven Horsford (D)

Received this e-mail today from former Vice President and current Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, in support of Rep. Steven Horsford’s (D. NV-04) re-election campaign:

Rep. Steven Horsford (D. NV-04)

We are locked in battle for the soul of this nation. If we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of America.

I'm running for president to restore our values, rebuild our middle class, and unify this country.

But I can't do it alone. If we are going to enact bold, progressive policies, we need to make sure Democrats win up and down the ballot and keep their majority in the House of Representatives.

And that's why I'm proud to support Steven Horsford. He is exactly the kind of person we need in office.

Both Steven and I have a very important public fundraising deadline at the end of this month, and we need your help to hit our goals.

Can you split a donation of $24 to our campaigns right now?

There is no limit to what Democrats can accomplish — but only if we win up and down the ticket in 2020.

And Steven and I are facing an uphill battle. Republicans have stockpiled millions to make sure we don't succeed.

So if we are going to be successful in the next year's election, it's imperative we hit our fundraising goal at the end of the month.

It's going to take committed Democrats to do it. So we need your help.

Can you split a donation to our campaigns today?

I'm so glad Steven and I can count on you,


Click here to donate to Horsford’s campaign.

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