North Korea uses footage from Trump-Kim summit for new propaganda film

This must be why Donald Trump was so eager to meet with bloodthirsty dictator Kim Jong Un. Tired of being a mere useless idiot, he was hoping to at least graduate to useful idiot.

In the wake of the failed summit, North Korea has released a propaganda film that somehow omits the failure. But it sure does make Kim look good!


The footage’s release Wednesday came amid reports that North Korea is restoring some facilities at its long-range rocket launch site that it dismantled last year as part of disarmament steps.

The documentary shows a smiling Kim talking with Trump while walking together inside a Hanoi hotel last week.

It shows Kim’s black limousine passing through a Hanoi street lined with residents waving flags. The footage also shows Kim visiting the North Korean Embassy where some skipped and wept with emotions before they took a group photo with the backdrop of a huge picture of Kim’s late father and grandfather.

This is exactly what Kim’s government has always wanted out of the summit. Fodder for its propaganda efforts. And if it can get a halfwitted political neophyte to offer big concessions, that’s just gravy.

That’s one reason why the real negotiating is typically conducted behind the scenes, not at a table between the respective countries’ leaders.

So the scorecard is now: Kim Jong Un 2, Donald Trump 0.

I remain surprised that Kim didn’t convince Trump to lick a frozen metal pole or eat a bug.


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