No more Rose Garden speeches during its renovation, last chance to rearrange deck chairs

One Trump tweet today, the rest are retweets. There are signs that like her “I don’t care” jacket, Melania is preparing for the end of the Trump regime as the chancellery garden gets a makeover to resemble the JFK one. OTOH IMPOTUS* doesn’t really want to leave.

(CNN) Melania Trump announced Monday she will oversee a renovation of the White House Rose Garden, overhauling the iconic greenspace adjacent to the Oval Office and West Wing.
“I encourage everyone who chooses to be negative (and) question my work at the @WhiteHouse to take time and contribute something good (and) productive in their own communities,” she tweeted.
The source familiar with the plans tells CNN the Rose Garden facelift was decided upon well before the pandemic, though the timing of the reveal comes as the country faces ongoing spread of the deadly disease. As positive reported cases of Covid-19 in the United States surpassed the 4 million mark last week, Trump again risks facing charges of “tone deafness” in the wake of her renovation announcement.
“I think that the first lady should be aware that this could certainly look like another 'let them eat cake' moment,” says Kate Andersen Brower, a CNN contributor and author of “Team of Five: The Presidents Club in the Age of Trump.” “I think it's important for her to point out that this is a restoration that has nothing to do with the Trump administration, but about making sure that the White House is a pristine and beautiful home for any president who occupies it. But, yes, the timing could not be worse as the country is being ravaged by Covid and there is major economic and social upheaval.”…



“If Trump’s authoritarian populism wins in November, the United States faces an existential threat to its democracy. But if he loses, the period between Nov. 4 and Jan. 20, 2021, will be particularly dangerous, too. It’s not too late. But we must get ready.”


President Trump is laying the groundwork to do something that no previous president has ever done: falsely claim that an election was fixed against him in order to discredit the vote. Trump has repeatedly — and incorrectly — claimed the election will be “rigged” against him. By promoting a series of wacky, debunked conspiracy theories, he has primed his supporters to wrongly believe he is the victim of some unknown, shadowy “deep state” plot. In an interview that aired last week, he refused to commit to accepting the results in November.
His actions challenge the flagship event of our republic: the peaceful transfer of power after an election, accepted by all candidates. (It’s worth noting that in 2016, Hillary Clinton quickly accepted the results and congratulated her opponent, while also criticizing the election’s integrity based on verified instances of Russian information warfare — a far cry from Trump peddling the debunked myth of widespread voter fraud.) With about 100 days to go, we are careening toward an extraordinarily dangerous crisis of American democracy.

— Garrett Haake (@GarrettHaake) July 27, 2020


— Kim Masters (@kimmasters) July 27, 2020


— SafetyPin-Daily (@SafetyPinDaily) July 27, 2020




— RAND Corporation (@RANDCorporation) July 27, 2020

— Bill Bramhall (@BillBramhall) July 27, 2020


— George Conway (@gtconway3d) July 27, 2020


— George Conway (@gtconway3d) July 27, 2020


— Paul Kane (@pkcapitol) July 27, 2020


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