NJ-02: DFA Endorses William Cunningham (D) To Take Down Trump Turncoat Democrat Jeff Van Drew (R)

Received this e-mail today from Democracy for America in support of William Cunningham’s (D. NJ-02) congressional campaign:

Rep. Jeff Van Drew ran for Congress as a Democrat in 2018. He promised change, responsibility, and decency to the people of New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District — and they sent him to Congress to get to work.

But now, Van Drew has switched parties and is running for re-election as a Trump Republican. He voted against impeaching Donald Trump, and even held a Rose Garden ceremony at the White House with Trump to announce his big change of heart.

Jeff Van Drew has betrayed the people of South Jersey. Luckily, there is an incredible candidate running to beat him this year.

DFA is proud to endorse William Cunningham for Congress in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District. He is an unabashed progressive champion who has both the lived and professional experience to make a real difference in the lives of the people of South Jersey.

But with Cunningham running in a competitive primary and the Trump money machine behind Jeff Van Drew, it’s going to take a true grassroots movement to win this election.

Will you split a contribution between DFA and William Cunningham today to help us defeat the traitor Jeff Van Drew and send a strong progressive champion to Congress?

William Cunningham’s life story is truly incredible. He will make real change for the people of South Jersey, not just because he understands the struggle so many in our country face right now, but because he has lived it.

He grew up poor in South Jersey and spent half of his time in high school homeless, and then went on to earn an Ivy League degree, work on Sen. Cory Booker’s policy team, and serve as a Chief Investigator for the late U.S. House Chairman Elijah Cummings.

Cunningham is the true progressive champion we need to defeat Rep. Van Drew. He’s ready to fight for Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, voting rights, and real reform of our broken criminal justice system.

But we know Van Drew and Trump will spend whatever it takes to stop a progressive champion like William Cunningham from winning. That’s why it’s going to take a strong grassroots movement to win this race.

Pitch in to William Cunningham and DFA right now. Your contribution will help us elect a fighter for the people of South Jersey and send Jeff Van Drew packing.

Your contributions help us elect progressive champions like William and defeat Trump Republicans. Thanks for pitching in.

— Yvette

Yvette Simpson, CEO
Democracy for America

Click here to donate to Cunningham’s campaign.

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