NFL Player Supprts Marriage Equality – And A Stupid Politician Calls For Him To Be Sanctioned For It

Pro athletes have been making their views on a wide range of social and political issues known since . . . well, since there have been pro athletes.  They are high-profile public figures and alot of kids look up to them.  Maybe not for all the right reasons, but the kids still pay attention to what the pros have to say about things.  Like eating breakfast.  Like getting exercise.

Adults, too, take notice of what these folks have to say.  In fact, there's a certain politician who has taken particular notice of what one NFL player had to say on an issue and he's not at all happy with what he heard the athlete say.  In fact, he has gone to the trouble (at taxpayer expense, of course) to compose a letter to the player's employer and ask that this player be sanctioned for what he had to say.

Really?  Yes, really.

I'll meet you below the Fleur de Kos.

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