New Fox News Polls Also Have Joe Biden Beating Trump In Wisconsin & Ohio

So I just released a diary about Fox News’ latest poll in Arizona show Joe Biden beating Trump in Arizona. Well Fox News also has polling from two other swing states. First off, Wisconsin:

Majorities of Wisconsin voters rate the economy negatively and are concerned about coronavirus.  That helps explain Democrat Joe Biden’s gains in the presidential race, in a Fox News Poll of Wisconsin registered voters released Wednesday.

Biden has a 9-point edge over President Donald Trump, 49-40 percent.  That’s up from a 5-point advantage in January, and is outside the poll’s margin of sampling error.  Another 11 percent are uncommitted.

A big reason Trump trails Biden is lack of party support: 85 percent of Republicans back him, while 93 percent of Democrats support Biden.  Eight percent of Republicans defect to Biden.  In addition, only 87 percent of those who approve of Trump’s job performance support his reelection.

Overall, more voters trust Biden to do a better job handling coronavirus (+14) and race relations (+22).  Trump is preferred over Biden to handle the economy (+3 points).

Less than a quarter (22 percent) rate the economy positively, however, three-quarters (76 percent) say it is only fair or poor. Those who rate the economy negatively opt for Biden by 26 points, and trust him to handle the economy by a 16-point spread.

The president receives some of his highest support from white men without a college degree (+19 points), white evangelical Christians (+29), and self-described very conservatives (+81).

Biden’s lead comes from strong backing among women (+20 points), suburban voters (+14), and independents (+8).

Next up, Ohio:

A Fox News Poll of Ohio registered voters finds Democrat Joe Biden narrowly tops President Donald Trump in the race for the White House.  At the same time, Republican Gov. Mike DeWine enjoys sky-high, bipartisan approval.

Biden is ahead of Trump by a 45 to 43 percent margin.  The former vice president’s 2-point edge is within the poll’s margin of sampling error.

Voters extremely interested in the election go for Biden by 6 points (51-45 percent).

More Democrats (61 percent) than Republicans (55 percent) are extremely interested in the election.

Some of Biden’s best groups include voters under age 45 (+15 points) and suburban women (+14).

Groups most likely to back Trump include voters ages 65 and over (+11 points), rural whites (+33), and white evangelical Christians (+48).

About 7 in 10 Biden supporters (70 percent) and Trump supporters (67 percent) are extremely motivated to vote in November.

Overall, 75 percent think the economy is in bad shape and 66 percent are concerned about personally catching coronavirus.

Ohio voters trust Biden to do a better job than Trump on race relations by 13 points and coronavirus by 6 points, while Trump is trusted more on the economy by 11 points and immigration by 4.

One in seven Republicans trust Biden over Trump on race relations and one in ten Republicans trust Biden on coronavirus

Trump won Ohio by 8 percentage points in 2016.  The new poll finds 50 percent of voters approve of the job he is doing as president, while 48 percent disapprove.

Let’s kick Trump’s ass in both Wisconsin and Ohio, Click here to donate and get involved with Biden’s campaign.

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