New ad, 'They lie, you die,' unravels administration's latest whoppers

Trump has a new Mouth of Sauron, and she’s picked up where Spicey, Sarah Huckleberry Slanders, and the Invisible Woman Whatshername left off.

And this new ad from Meidas Touch really does a great job of shining a klieg light on her elisions and outright lies.

It’s hot off the press.




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Say, remember this Trump comment about unemployment during the Obama administration? “Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number’s probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent.”

Hmm. Well, Trump was lying then during a robust economic recovery, and now he wants us to believe one of the worst economies ever is actually on the verge of a remarkable recovery.

In other words, you can’t believe a thing this guy says, like, ever.

Seven more months of gaslighting. Can’t wait.

“This guy is a natural. Sometimes I laugh so hard I cry.” — Bette Midler on Aldous J. Pennyfarthing, via Twitter. Find out what made dear Bette break up. Dear Fcking Lunatic: 101 Obscenely Rude Letters to Donald Trump and its boffo sequels Dear Prsident A**clown: 101 More Rude Letters to Donald Trump and Dear F*cking Moron: 101 More Letters to Donald Trump by Aldous J. Pennyfarthing are now available for a song! Click those links, yo!

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