NC-Sen: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D. NY) Helps Cal Cunningham (D) End Moscow Mitch's Majority

Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D. NY) in support of Cal Cunningham’s (D. NC) U.S. Senate campaign:

Today, I want to introduce you to Cal Cunningham. Cal’s a veteran and father who is running for Senate in North Carolina.

Politico just called Cal’s race “the possible tipping point race for the [Senate] majority.” And for good reason: If we can flip this seat in North Carolina (and I believe we can), we’re almost guaranteed a Senate majority.

Cal is leading in the latest poll, but his opponent has a 2-1 cash advantage—this race is going to come down to which candidate has the resources to get their message out and reach as many voters as possible.

Can you make a contribution to Cal’s campaign today? Click here to send $25, $50, or whatever you’re able to give. 

Cal served three active duty tours in the U.S. Army Reserve, including in Iraq and Afghanistan, as a military prosecutor. He was awarded the Bronze Star and the General Douglas MacArthur Leadership Award, in part for his work prosecuting contractors for criminal misconduct.

And as Senator, Cal has pledged to root out the corruption in Washington. He’s refused to take corporate PAC money, and released a comprehensive anti-corruption plan that tackles everything from getting big money out of politics to ending partisan gerrymandering to expanding voter and election protections.

Now, more than ever, we need people like Cal in Washington—leaders who are unafraid to stand up to special interests and put the American people first.

The stakes couldn’t be higher. Please, make a contribution to Cal’s campaign and be a part of our historic effort to take back the Senate today.

With gratitude,


Click here to donate to Cunningham’s campaign.

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