NC-Sen: Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D. IN) Helps Cal Cunningham (D) End Moscow Mitch's Reign Of Terror

Received this e-mail today from former presidential candidate, South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D. IN), in support of Cal Cunningham’s (D. NC) U.S. Senate campaign:

Cal Cunningham (D. NC)

Friend —

November will be a turning point for our country. After all of the chaos we’ve seen in Washington, it’s finally our chance to usher in a new era of American politics, one that’s defined by unity and belonging — not by cruelty and division.

If there’s one thing this current public health crisis has demonstrated, it’s that change can’t wait. It’s never been more important that we elect strong leaders, not just at the top of the ticket, but to every office.

I know that Cal Cunningham is one of those people — part of a new generation of leadership desperately needed in Washington. That’s why I hope you’ll join me in supporting his campaign for U.S. Senate in North Carolina.

Like me, Cal is from a place where neighbors look out for one another and take care of each other. After 9/11, he joined the Army Reserve and served three active-duty tours, including overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Now he’s running for Senate, and, on the campaign trail, he often talks about the biblical admonition to be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers: The idea that we are called to serve one another however we can.

So while Cal and I may call different parts of the United States our home, the values we share are the same: A love of community, a commitment to service, and an unwavering belief in the promise of this country.

I’m proud to support Cal as he runs for North Carolina’s Senate seat. But this is likely to be one of the most expensive Senate races this year, and he’s already facing an onslaught of outside spending. It’s going to take all of us coming together to ensure he has the resources to win.

I hope you’ll join me in supporting Cal’s campaign as he works to bring new leadership to North Carolina. I know these are challenging times, but if you can, please pitch in today.

Thank you and I hope to see you on the campaign trail before too long.


Click here to donate to Cunningham’s campaign.

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