Mulvaney: Media should focus less on coronavirus and more on Trump's relationship with Barron

Wait, you mean HE WHO CANNOT BE NAMED?!?!?!?!?

We’ve now reached Beyond Parody 2.0, folks. Or maybe Irony Is Dead Cubed.


Buried within today’s New York Times story about acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney's belief that the media should stop reporting so much on a potentially deadly COVID-19 pandemic and just go home and die was this little nugget of irony:

Mr. Mulvaney also criticized the news media for generally not wanting to portray Mr. Trump in a positive light. But he chose a bizarre example, claiming it refuses to cover what he described as Mr. Trump’s loving relationship with his 13-year-old son, Barron.

He said Mr. Trump is in frequent contact with his youngest son, calling to check in on him and let him know of his whereabouts. But, Mr. Mulvaney said, “the press would never show you that because it doesn’t fit that image of him, the press wants him to be this terrible monster.”

But wait!

Remember Republicans across the country throwing a hissy fit when Emperor August Gloop’s son’s name briefly passed the lips of a key impeachment witness back in early December?


— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) December 4, 2019

Even Melania weighed in on that one, because God forbid the boy’s slumber be disturbed with an invocation of his divine name:


— Melania Trump (@FLOTUS) December 4, 2019


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And that was one of the milder eruptions.

But, whatever. If the kid can be exploited to distract us from the fact that we’re coughing our lungs up on the settee, I guess it’s okay in that case.

Dear Leader, show us the way! What would you have us report on next?

Guide us, oh ancient blotchy one!

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