MT-Sen: Jon Tester (D) Hammers The GOP's Assault On Protections For Pre-Existing Conditions

Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Jon Tester’s (D. MT) re-election campaign:

Sen. Jon Tester (D. MT)

For too long, politicians and special interest groups have attacked the health care of the 152,000 Montanans with pre-existing conditions.

A few months ago it was Washington bureaucrats expanding “junk” insurance plans that allow insurance companies to sell plans that don’t cover existing conditions, like heart disease and diabetes.

Now, a lawsuit designed to repeal legal protections for those with pre-existing conditions is hearing arguments in Texas — and the Washington establishment is doing virtually nothing to ensure that millions of Americans don’t lose their coverage depending on the outcome of this lawsuit.

Will you join me in the fight to protect our health care? Sign my petition if you agree we need to make sure folks with pre-existing conditions get the coverage they need.

Lots of Montanans are rightly concerned about what will happen to their health care and the care of their children, friends, and neighbors. I hear from them all across Montana as I campaign for re-election.

That’s just wrong — and I’m fighting for them.

Earlier this year, I helped negotiate a bipartisan deal to strengthen affordable, quality health care across our state — and I’m working to make sure that all of us have access to the doctors, medications and procedures we need.

We need to stand up to this lawsuit. My opponent in this election has been silent about what would be a crisis for the 152,000 folks with pre-existing conditions living in Montana. He even pushed for short-term “junk insurance” plans that don’t have to cover people with pre-existing conditions. We have to use our voices and demand Congress take action now, before it’s too late:

I’m standing with all Americans who have a pre-existing condition and demanding action from the Washington establishment. Sign here to if you agree we need to safeguard pre-existing protections and ensure every American has access to quality health insurance.

Thanks for stepping up today,

— Jon

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