MS-Sen: Elizabeth Warren (D. MA) Teams Up With DFA To Pull A Doug Jones-Style Victory In Mississippi

Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D. MA) on behalf of Democracy for America in support of Mike Espy’s (D. MS) U.S. Senate campaign:

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D. MA)

Late last year, everyone’s eyes were on Alabama.

Doug Jones was fighting his way uphill to beat Roy Moore and get elected as a Democratic Senator from a Deep South state.

And in California and across the country, we had his back. We weren’t just watching, waiting, and biting our fingernails – we jumped into the fight.

Last year, this grassroots army helped Doug Jones win in Alabama. Together, this month, we can write the sequel – by helping Democrat Mike Espy win his Senate runoff in Mississippi on November 27th.

Will you chip in $3, or whatever you can afford, to support Mike Espy? If we can win Alabama, we can win Mississippi. But Mike Espy’s got a tough fight on his hands in these final two weeks, and your donation – any amount – will go a long way.

Last week, Mike Espy nearly tied the Republican he’s now up against in the runoff. And the state GOP is divided – still cleaning up after a messy internal food fight between two Republican candidates who scrambled to out-Trump each other.

Mike Espy, a former Congressman and Secretary of Agriculture during the Clinton administration, could make history as Mississippi’s first African American Senator since Reconstruction. Meanwhile, his opponent -– who was appointed to fill this Senate seat in April -– just got caught on camera making an appalling comment about going to a “public hanging,” in a state where lynchings are in living memory.

Every election is a chance to fight for our values. Mike Espy would make us proud, and Mississippi needs a Senator who brings people together.

Republicans know that Mike Espy would be a fierce fighter for health care and Social Security. They don’t like that. So they’ve been calling in the cavalry. Donald Trump crashed into the state for a rally last month, and the GOP and their corporate backers have spent over $2 million to support Mike’s opponent and run nasty attack ads against him.

Now, it’s time to help Mike Espy fight back, just like we did for Doug Jones. That victory didn’t come out of nowhere – it came from the grassroots army that we’ve been building across the country. It came from people like you.

Mike Espy can finish strong – but only with our help. Please donate now to help him win the runoff Senate election in Mississippi.

Thanks for being a part of this,


P.S. Last week, Democrats won seats in South Carolina, Georgia, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas. We can win this Senate seat in Mississippi – but Mike Espy needs help. Please chip in now.

Click here to donate to Espy’s campaign.

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