majority of Texans want Zodiac Killer's resignation

Always weird when Ted Cruz seeks cover by agreeing with AOC.

Cruz, Hawley and the other 6 Senatorial Seditionists need to be removed from office. They tried to overturn an election.

And then there’s the mob, and Trump.
2019: “Schoen told the Atlanta Jewish Times he met with Epstein in prison days before Epstein hanged himself. Schoen said he agreed to take over Epstein’s defense. Also said he didn’t think Epstein killed himself.”

Trump Destroyed Himself

Two reports by his own pollsters show why he should have won but didn’t

Any incumbent would have struggled with a pandemic in an election year. But Trump had everything else going for him. Despite setbacks, the economy he inherited was still strong. Congress and the Federal Reserve pumped in trillions of dollars to prop up households and businesses. Republicans turned out to vote in better numbers than in 2016. And yet, Trump managed to lose. He lost because he botched his job, picked stupid fights, and antagonized most of the country. His own pollsters have confirmed it.…

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