MA-Sen: Sen. Jacky Rosen (D. NV) Helps Sen. Ed Markey (D) Get Ready To Win His Primary

Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Jacky Rosen (D. NV) in support of U.S. Senator Ed Markey’s (D. MA) re-election campaign:

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 29: Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) leaves the U.S. Capitol after the Senate impeachment trial of President Donald Trump was adjourned for the day on January 29, 2020 in Washington, DC. Today the trial entered the phase where senators had the opportunity to submit written questions to the House managers and President Trump's defense team. (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)
Sen. Ed Markey (D. MA)

This November, I will be proud to support my friend and colleague, Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts, for re-election. But first, we need to join together to help him win his primary.

Ed has a clear reason for running, a bold vision for the future, and a record of progressive accomplishments. And we need to ensure every voter in Massachusetts hears his message.

Will you pitch in $5 now to support Ed Markey’s campaign?

Right now, Ed is fending off a formidable primary challenge. Pundits and political insiders say the race is statistically tied — and his opponent just dropped $2.4 million to double his TV ad buy.

When we take back the Senate this fall, we need champions like Ed Markey as a part of the new Democratic majority, fighting for progressive solutions to climate change and health care. We can’t afford to lose Ed’s essential voice — especially in such a pivotal moment for our nation.

Now is the moment for all of us to stand with Ed Markey and help him win this crucial primary. Make a $5 contribution right now to support his re-election campaign.

Thank you,


Click here to donate to Markey’s re-election campaign.

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