MA-Sen: Sen. Ed Markey (D) Leads The Fight Against Trump's Cuts To Social Security & Medicare

Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Ed Markey’s (D. MA) re-election campaign:

Donald Trump released his proposed budget yesterday, and it once again put his disdain for the most vulnerable Americans on full display.

His budget is immoral, indefensible, and unacceptable.

Donald Trump is proposing cuts to critical programs for working families — all aimed at ending any sort of safety net for the American people. Meanwhile, he’s proposing massive increases in defense spending.

Three days ago, he was promising not to touch Medicare or Social Security, but that was yet another lie. His budget shows that he clearly wants to make cuts and reduce these benefits.

We should be expanding these programs — not making cuts to pay for Republicans’ tax breaks for the wealthy.

I need your help to make sure Congress protects these benefits for all. Will you add your voice to mine today?

Tell Congress: Do not allow Donald Trump to cut Medicare and Social Security spending. The American people should not have to give up their health care or retirement to pay for tax cuts for corporations and the 1%.

Donald Trump’s tax giveaway to the ultra-rich blew a trillion-dollar hole in the deficit. We will not allow Medicare and Social Security to be cut to pay for it.

All my best,

Ed Markey

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