MA-Sen: Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D) Mounts Pressure On Trump & Congress To Fully Fund The USPS

Received this e-mail from Rep. Joe Kennedy’s (D. MA-04) U.S. Senate campaign:

For weeks, Joe has been calling for national vote by mail, because no one should have to put their lives at risk to go cast their vote.

But with news breaking that the US Postal Service's funding is in jeopardy, vote by mail is being put at risk. We need any vote by mail system to be efficient and secure – but we can't do that unless the USPS is fully funded.

We must protect the United States Postal Service. Sign your name if you agree.


Now more than ever, we all rely on the USPS.

The folks out there delivering our packages and mail are keeping our nation running, and if we want to safely and securely institute national vote by mail, we must make sure the USPS receives full funding. No exceptions.

We must keep this essential service running.


The frontline workers with the USPS have had our backs throughout this crisis — now, we need to have theirs.

Be well. Stay healthy. Stay safe.

Team Kennedy

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