MA-Sen: Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D) Builds Momentum For The Medicare Crisis Program Act

Received this e-mail from Rep. Joe Kennedy III’s (D, MA-04) U.S. Senate campaign:

Health care for all. In the richest nation on Earth, that shouldn’t be too much to ask.

We are in the throes of a global pandemic and one thing is clear: Our profit-driven health insurance system is ill-equipped to handle it.

30,000,000 Americans are now out of work. For many, that means not only a loss of wages – but of health insurance. So tens of millions find themselves lacking coverage during the largest public health crisis of our time.

That’s why Joe joined Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal to introduce The Medicare Crisis Program Act — a first of its kind policy to enroll every unemployed American into Medicare immediately and expand Medicaid for vulnerable patients. Then, it goes an extra step to eliminate copayments, coinsurance, and deductibles for all COVID-19 testing and treatment. This is a critical step in getting people the coverage they need right now — as we continue to fight for Medicare for All.

Every American deserves access to high-quality healthcare. Not only during a pandemic – but every day going forward. Will you sign on today as a citizen co-sponsor of The Medicare Crisis Program Act to help generate public support for this critical piece of legislation?

In the richest most powerful nation in the world, you should be able to get the health care you need when you need it. Losing your job during a global pandemic shouldn’t prevent anyone from receiving care. Those who have lost their jobs did so through no fault of their own. We must make sure they are protected.

Never has the need for Medicare for All been clearer. This is going to be the fight of our time in the days and weeks and months ahead. The Medicare Crisis Program Act will help us get there — proving that this country is capable of providing coverage for all of its people.

Help us grow public support for this critical piece of legislation. Will you add your name and become a citizen co-sponsor?

Stay safe. Stay well. And thank you for the support. Let’s keep fighting for health care for all.

— Team Kennedy

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