Live 10am ET SCOTUS arguments in the Trump financial records case

NPR and Instagram coverage of the oral arguments for Trump’s financial records, explaining why Trump’s been a bit more unhinged than usual.

The Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments remotely for a second week, once again streaming the audio live — a first for the court.

The arguments for Week 2 include high-profile cases about religious freedom, President Trump's financial records and the Electoral College.

They are set to take place Monday through Wednesday, beginning at 10 a.m. ET each day. You can listen live to all of the cases here:

For each case, both sides will have the same amount of time. Each side will have two minutes of uninterrupted argument at the beginning. After that, each justice has been allotted two minutes for questioning, with more questions permitted if there is time left at the end of the first round. Each side has a total of 30 minutes, though they have been running over in this new setting.

Tuesday, May 12: Trump finances

10 a.m. ET: Trump v. Mazars consolidated with Trump v. Deutsche Bank AG; Trump v. Vance

Summary: These cases involve subpoenas for some of Trump's pre-presidential financial records. Two consolidated cases — Trump v. Mazars and Trump v. Deutsche Bank — ask whether Congress has the power to subpoena the president's personal records except during an impeachment proceeding; Trump v. Vance addresses a New York grand jury subpoena for those same records in the course of a criminal investigation.…



— Neal Katyal (@neal_katyal) May 11, 2020


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