Let’s Bring Home Wins For These Great Progressive Congressional Candidates.

Let’s Bring Home Wins For These Great Progressive Congressional Candidates.

In solidarity,

Mike Fox for Alan, Donna, Mike H., Deb, Dr. Bill, Janis, Dan, Kimberly, and Bryan—Your PDA National Team


Pitch In Time And/Or Money To Help Us Win


Since our first day of operations in 2004 we’ve been supporting the most progressive candidates in US House races.

From long-term progressive champions like Reps. Barbara Lee, Raul Grijalva, and Mark Pocan, to the newcomers like the Squad, we’ve been proud to help elect true fighters for our issues.

Today we feature a few potential new additions to Congress in November.


Alex Morse is an exceptionally strong progressive standing up against a man who represents everything that’s wrong with the current system: Richie Neal in MA-01.  Neal has been the Representative for that district since 1989 and has built the reputation as one of the more aloof members of Congress — rarely holding town halls — and rarely supporting our progressive legislation.  (Example: He is not with us on Expanded And Improved Medicare For All, nor the Green New Deal.)  Alex will indeed be a breath of fresh air if he takes this seat.  Contribute.  Volunteer.

Former Flagstaff, AZ City Council member and long-time PDA activist Eva Putzova is running a strong, progressive campaign in AZ-01 against long-time DINO Tom O’Halleran.  O’Halleran is famous for voting far to the right of his district, and Eva scores a perfect 100% on all of our progressive issues.  Contribute.  Volunteer.

Mike Siegel’s campaign made national headlines when his campaign manager was arrested fighting for an under-served black community’s right to vote.  Mike fought the arrest and the voter suppression in TX-10, and won!  He also came within 4% of flipping the seat in 2018, and is well positioned to bring home the victory in 2020.  Mike has shown he isn’t afraid of taking off the gloves and fighting hard for his neighbors in TX-10, and he’ll put that same passion into fighting for our issues once in Washington.  Contribute.  Volunteer.

Kara Eastman came within 2 points of flipping NE-02 in 2018, and is back and better than ever.  Her success drew Democratic competition from the right, so we need to make sure she dominates her primary on May 12.  Her outstanding support for Expanded And Improved Medicare For All, the Green New Deal, and other PDA issues will make her a wonderful ally in Congress.  Contribute.  Volunteer.

Thanks so much for anything you can do for these great candidates.


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