KY-Sen: VoteVets Promotes Amy McGrath's (D) Burn The Boats Podcast Interview To Educate Voters

Received this e-mail today from VoteVets in support of Amy McGrath’s (D. KY) U.S. Senate campaign:

We wanted to make sure you didn’t miss VoteVets-endorsed badass veteran Amy McGrath’s appearance on Burn the Boats, a political podcast hosted by Ken Harbaugh, where she talks about how her service in the Marine Corps was the best preparation for her fight for Kentucky’s Senate seat.

Here’s a sneak peek of the incredible interview with the veteran that’s going to send Mitch McConnell packing once and for all:

“Strapping on a $70 million aircraft to your back and landing on the back of an aircraft carrier at 120 miles per hour at night in bad weather and with no navigational aids – that's hard. And when I look at that, in comparison to what I'm doing today, I think ‘I can do this.’ Because it's so important for the country and I've done hard things before and we need it.” – Amy McGrath

Listen to the full episode here:


And when you’re done, come back to this email to split a donation between Amy McGrath’s campaign and VoteVets today. Our support of her movement has already gone a long way and we still have much to do before November. Any amount helps.



Click here to listen to McGrath’s interview.

Click here to donate to McGrath’s campaign.

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