KY-Sen: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D. NY) Helps Amy McGrath (D) Get Ready To Kick Moscow Mitch's Ass

Received this e-mail today from U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D. NY) in support of Amy McGrath’s (D. KY) U.S. Senate campaign:

Amy McGrath (D. KY)

Amy McGrath has dedicated her life to public service: A retired marine fighter pilot, Amy was the first woman to fly an F/A-18 fighter jet in combat, and flew 89 combat missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Her opponent, Mitch McConnell? His idea of patriotism seems to be enabling Trump, obstructing progress and putting party over country.

It’s time we ditch Mitch.

This is going to be one of the tightest and most expensive Senate races in the country, but it’s a race Amy can win—if we have her back.

Please, make a donation of $25 or more to Amy’s campaign today: Together, we can unseat Mitch McConnell and flip the Senate.

Let me give you a little preview into what it’s like to serve in the Senate under McConnell right now: Democrats have started to call it the “legislative graveyard.” A place where bills passed in the House are D.O.A.

In fact, the only work McConnell seems interested in is rubber-stamping Trump’s ultra-conservative judicial nominees. He and Trump are transforming the federal judiciary for decades to come, threatening the rights of women, the LGBTQ community, and immigrants.

The best—and only—way to fight back is to defeat McConnell and take back our Senate majority. That starts with electing Amy.

Can you chip in? I’d like to hit $10,000 by midnight. Here’s the link to give:

I’ll ask Stefanie to follow up this evening about where we stand.

Thank you!


Click here to donate to McGrath’s campaign.

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